High Commission Departments

Office of the High Commissioner
H.E. Dr Kyriacόs Kouros, High Commissioner and IMO Permanent Representative

Political Section
Mr Spyros Miltiades, Deputy High Commissioner
Ms Melivia Demetriou, Political Counsellor


The core mission of the High Commission’s Political Section is to maintain close political cooperation with the United Kingdom and International Organisations in London. Under the guidance of Cyprus’ Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the High Commission’s political work involves regular high-level coordination and information sharing with 10 Downing Street, FCO and other line Ministries. Political Department staff members closely follow and analyzes U.K.-based policy discussions about Cyprus, in both government and non-governmental arenas, including academia, media, think tanks, and the private sector and keep their counterparts in Nicosia informed and up-to-date about current thinking and action. It is also responsible for the active participation of Cyprus in international organisations based in London, primarily the Commonwealth and the International Maritime Organisation.

Consulate General in London
Mr Odysseas Odysseos, Consul General 


The Consulate General’s main purpose is to provide assistance to Cypriot citizens in the United Kingdom. Such assistance may include, the acceptance of applications for the issuance or renewal of Cypriot ID Cards and Passports, the issuance of notarizations, citizenship applications, birth and death certificates, Permanent Residence Certificates, etc.

The Consulate General works together with the UK authorities, in order to provide the best possible assistance: to Cypriot victims of crime as well as the location of missing Cypriots, providing assistance to the families of Cypriots who die in the UK, as well as providing assistance to Cypriot citizens who find themselves destitute or seriously ill. Finally, it is also responsible for assisting Cypriot citizens in the UK in the event of natural disasters or other large-scale emergencies.

For medical/patients issues or to apply for transferring medication with you to Cyprus: hclmedical@mfa.gov.cy

More details for specific Consular Services please go to the link Consular Information by clicking here.

Please note that the easiest and most effective way to get in touch with us for consular issues is via sending a direct message through our social media accounts on Facebook (@CyprusinUK) and Twitter (@CyprusinUK) or at the Consulate’s email hclconsular@mfa.gov.cy. The message will be delivered directly to our Consular Officers for further handling. 

Defence Section
Lt Col Theocharis Onoufriou, Defence Attaché

The Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Cyprus, focused on strengthening Bilateral Relations, has developed cooperation in areas of common interest both with countries in the region and with many European and other countries. In addition, it has concluded Bilateral Agreements or Memoranda of Understanding on Defence Cooperation with a number of countries, including the UK. Our active defence diplomacy implemented through accredited Defence Attaches (DA’s), strengthens the wider foreign policy of the Republic of Cyprus. For this purpose, DA’s have been appointed in  the UK with parallel accreditation in Ireland, in France with parallel accreditation in Italy, in Russia with parallel accreditation in Armenia, in Egypt with parallel accreditation in Jordan, in Israel and the USA.


Maritime Section
Mr Christos Atalianis, Maritime Counsellor

The Maritime Section provides information about the advantages of Cyprus as a maritime state. The Section is involved in shipping exhibitions and monitors and analyzes marine and maritime technology. At the same time, the Maritime Section represents the Republic of Cyprus in the International Maritime Organization (IMO), which is responsible for issues concerning maritime safety and protection of the marine environment.


Ms Tonia Kyrou, Administrative Attaché

Ms Diamando Kyriakou Theodotou, Administrative Attaché

Trade Centre
Mr Costas Dafos, Trade Attaché


The Trade Centre of the High Commission promotes economic and private sector development in Cyprus. The Centre’s main focus is to advocate for policy issues important to the Government of Cyprus before U.K. Government institutions, non-governmental organizations, the U.K. private sector, and international institutions located in London. Officials from the Trade Centre assist any company interested in doing business in Cyprus, meet with universities interested in establishing ties for economic-related trainings and capacity-building, organize events with think tanks, link non-profit organizations with Cypriot partners, and conduct economic policy discussions with representatives of U.K. and foreign governments.

The Centre’s goals include: increasing the transfer of knowledge and technology to Cyprus; promoting infrastructure development; focusing on sector development, including agriculture, energy, transport; promoting foreign direct investment; improving trade capacity and business development services; sharing information with the private sector on the legal and regulatory environment; and working with media to highlight the many advantages of doing business with and investing in Cyprus.

Educational and Cultural Section


The Educational and Cultural Section of the High Commission promotes cultural interaction between the U.K. and Cyprus. There are many elements of Cypriot culture and heritage exhibited in esteemed institutions and museums in the United Kingdom, such as Cypriot antiquities collections in the British Museum, the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford and the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge. Raising awareness of Cyprus’ rich history as a cultural crossroad among three continents is very important. The Educational and Cultural Section organizes and facilitates cultural shows, art and handicraft exhibitions, Cypriot musical and theatre performances and films screenings. It gives regular advice and works closely with British academic and cultural agencies to better expose the British public to Cypriot culture and traditions. The Section connects relevant individuals and entities and creates opportunities for mutually beneficial relationships that will support these vital aspects of Cypriot society.

There is also a vibrant bilateral cooperation in the area of Higher Education with thousands of Cypriots studying in UK Universities. According to UUK International Cyprus ranked 5th in the number of students in the UK the academic year 2016-2017.

In the area of Research and Development, Cyprus and the UK have established strong and robust research collaborations. Cyprus’ flagship research centres, “KIOS Centre of Excellence” at the University of Cyprus and “RISE Centre of Excellence” have received multimillion funding from the EU, for cutting-edge, multidisciplinary research and innovation in the respective fields of Information and Communications Technologies and Interactive Media.

Tourism Office


The aim of the tourism office is to project and promote Cyprus as a tourist destination. The office organizes events for the promotion of Cyprus, participates in tourist exhibitions, is in contact with tour operators, makes advertising partnerships with SMEs, and distributes material on the history of Cyprus.

Press and Media Office
Ms Eliza Antoniou, Press Attaché


The Press and Media Office responds to all requests from U.K.-based media outlets and journalists seeking information about Cyprus. Our staff members work with reporters, editors and producers to ensure they have the latest, most accurate information about the country and timely access to officials, including the High Commissioner, for comment on stories. The Press Office also facilitates briefings and provides assistance for U.K.-based journalists travelling to Cyprus on assignment. In addition, the High Commission’s Press Office promotes media coverage of the High Commission’s events and U.K. visits by Cypriot government officials. The department also updates the High Commission’s website and social media accounts.