Cypriot Citizenship and Registration of Newborns/Minors

Cypriots who are permanent residents of the UK are eligible to obtain Cypriot citizenship due to descent from Cyprus. Dual citizenship/nationality is allowed both in Cyprus and in the UK. For more information click here.

For general information and guidance so as to establish which application you need the criteria for, you may consult the website of the Directorate of Civil Registry of the Ministry of Interior.

You will need an appointment to submit your documents/review your case. To book, please click here. 

* PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU NEED TO LEGALISE/APOSTILLE ANY NON-REPUBLIC OF CYPRUS DOCUMENTS REQUIRED FOR THE APPLICATION OF CITIZENSHIP (i.e. Birth, Marriage OR Death Certificates). That needs to be done through the relevant authority of the country in question (example – UK Birth Certificate legalised from the Legalisation Office of the UK Government).

The original documents will be submitted to the Directorate of Civil Registry in Nicosia and will not be returned to the applicant.

For more information, please visit the following link: Get your document legalised – GOV.UK 

1.Registration of Persons of Cypriot Origin as Citizens of the Republic of Cyprus and the Acquisition of Cypriot Citizenship

Any person with Cypriot origin who wishes to obtain Cypriot citizenship by descent please consult the information provided by the Directorate of Civil Registry of the Republic of Cyprus by clicking here. 

If you are applying due to Cypriot Origin please bring with you:

  • Applicant’s UK passport
  • Birth Certificate apostilled (long version, where parent’s names are visible)
  • Parent’s Marriage Certificate* apostilled (if the applicant’s parents were married in the UK/other third country it must be apostilled)
  • Evidence of your parent’s Cypriot Citizenship
  • Copy of Parents Cypriot Passport & ID card (Ταυτότητα, Kimlik Kartı)

*Please note that if the birth of the applicant took place out of wedlock / civil union, the procedure of legal recognition must be followed, as provided in the Law on Children (Kinship and Legal Status) 187/1991, Articles 16-17. The mother of the child may complete this process at our Consulate General. However the father must complete this process in a District Court in Cyprus, witnessed by a Court Registrar. With the completion of this process an application for citizenship can be filed either in the Consulate General in London or in Cyprus.

M121 / M.121 ENGLISH – Persons born abroad (Consular Birth Certificate)

M123 / M123 ENGLISH – Persons born on or after August 16, 1960

M126 – Registration Of A Minor Child As A Citizen Of The Republic Of Cyprus

M71 – Persons of Cypriot descent (by male parentage) who were born before 16 August 1960 and are citizens of the United Kingdom and its colonies.

2. Registration of newborns/minors

For the registration of newborns/minors you will have to book an appointment, through our website, under Category A: Appointments for the acquisition of Cypriot Citizenship (by British and other third country nationals).

Necessary documentation:

  1. Original Birth Certificate, legalised by the Foreign Commonwealth & Development Office with the Apostille stamp. The certificate must be complete and contain the names of both parents. To get the Apostille stamp for your documents please visit
  2. Copies of Cypriot ID Cards and Passports of the parents. If the parents or the child possess a British Passport or any other Passport, they must present them at the appointment. A copy will be held with the application.
  3. Parents’ Marriage Certificate. If the marriage took place in Cyprus, a certificate from the Church of Cyprus is accepted. If it took place in the United Kingdom, the British Certificate needs to be certified by the Foreign Commonwealth & Development Office with the Apostille stamp. To get the Apostille stamp for your documents please visit
  4. If the birth of the child took place out of wedlock / civil union, the procedure of recognition of a child must be followed, as provided in the Law on Children (Kinship and Legal Status) 187/1991, Articles 16-17. To this end, and if we confirm that the child is entitled to the Cypriot Citizenship (at least one of the parents must have been a registered Cypriot national at the time of birth), then an Emergency Travel Document/Temporary Passport can be issued (for which you can find more here) so that you can fly to Cyprus to complete the child’s registration. A Sworn Statement is signed to this end.

The physical presence of the newborn/minor is not required during the application for the acquisition of Cypriot Citizenship.

3. Delayed registration of births

For those persons of Cypriot origin, born in the Republic of Cyprus, who were not registered at the time of their birth, and now reside in the United Kingdom, they must apply directly to the District Administration Office in the district they were born with the following documentation:

  • Affidavit sworn before a Notary Public (verified by the Cyprus Consulate in London)
  • Original birth certificate
  • Valid Photo Identification (i.e. passport, ID card, driver’s license)
  • Parents’ Republic of Cyprus documentation (i.e. Birth Certificates, Passports, ID cards)
  • Marriage Certificate (where a marriage has taken place)

Application Fee £52 (depending on the monthly exchange rate, equivalent of €60)

4. Re-Issue of birth certificate

For those persons of Cypriot origin, born in the Republic of Cyprus, who require a replacement birth certificate must apply directly to the District Administration Office in the district they were born with the following documentation:

  • Republic of Cyprus birth certificate
  • Photocopy of Valid Photo Identification (i.e. passport, ID card, driver’s license)

Application Fee (£5)

Please note that in cases where a copy of the birth certificate is not available it is advised that applicants forward photocopies of parents’ Republic of Cyprus documentation.

5. Death Certificates

Applications for the registration of death of a Cypriot citizen who died abroad are submitted to the Registry Office in the local District Administration Office, with the following documentation:

  • Form M.138 (obtainable from the Local District Administration Offices)
  • Death certificate from the country where the death occurred

Application Fee (£5)

6. Acquisition of Cypriot Citizenship due to Marriage/Civil Union With A Cypriot Citizen

For acquisition of Cypriot Citizenship as a spouse of a Cypriot Citizen please find all relevant information  by clicking here.

The applicant needs to attend the appointment with their Cypriot spouse. Please bring with you the following documents:

  • Applicant’s Original Birth Certificate – Apostille
  • Clear ACRO Police Certificate (validity for six months) – Apostille
  • Original Marriage Certificate – Apostille
  • Copies of Children’s Birth Certificate(s)
  • In case that the couple does not have any children, the applicant must provide a letter state the reasons would like to obtain the Cyprus Nationality
  • Copy of applicant’s passport
  • Copy of Cypriot Spouse’s passport & ID card
  • Cypriot Spouse Certificate of Nationality
  • Harmonious Declaration form that the couple must complete and sign in front of the consulate staff (will be provided at the appointment )
  • Letter of Harmonious Marriage in Head letter Paper signed by authorising person (e.g. Solicitor, Doctor, Accountant) etc.

Application Fee £252 (depending on the monthly exchange rate, equivalent of €300)

M125 / M.125 ENGLISH

Δήλωση Κυπρίου συζύγου / Declaration of Cypriot Spouse English

7. Renunciation Of Citizenship

Please find more information on The Ministry of Foreign Affairs website.


District Administration Offices in Cyprus

Please visit the website of the District Administration Offices of the Ministry of Interior for any further information and contact details by clicking here. 


PLEASE NOTE ALL FEES FOR THE CITIZENSHIP BY DESCENT APPLICATION FORMS ARE PAYABLE IN £/UKP (not in Euro). We only accept debit/credit card payments. Our price list is updated monthly on our main webpage.